5 Ways to Protect Your Skin This Summer

kid's back with a sun drawn with sunscreen


Summer’s here and we can all agree that we’re ready for pool days, barbecues, and spending lots of time in the sun.  Before we start enjoying the warm weather, however, there is one thing that we should consider: how to protect our skin from the sun.  Not only can a bad sunburn ruin the moment, but overexposure to the sun can cause lasting effects, including skin discolorations, wrinkles, and even skin cancer.  Needless to say, you and your family should prioritize sun protection, especially those experiencing the Texas heat.


How to Protect Your Skin in Summer

There are multiple ways to protect your skin during the summer.  By following this summer skincare guide, you can have healthier skin and enjoy long summer days without having to worry about skin damage.


Apply Sunscreen Every 2 Hours


woman applying sunscreen on her arm


We can’t talk about skin protection without mentioning the importance of sunscreen.  Although many of us have been told time and time again that we should apply sunscreen, sometimes it’s hard to get into the habit of actually doing it.  It’s generally recommended to apply sunscreen every 2 hours while outside, and even more frequently if you’re swimming or perspiring a lot.


Avoid the Sun During Peak Hours


woman lay in hamaca avoiding sun


The sun’s rays are the strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., meaning this is the time that you’re more likely to burn.  That said, we understand that this is also the middle of the day and a desirable time to go out and enjoy the weather.  If you do choose to go outside, keep yourself protected with sunscreen and shade.


Be Aware of Sun-Sensitizing Medications


close up of a hand holding pills


Some medications make users more sensitive to sunlight.  Some of the common medications include some variations of antibiotics, antidepressants, antihypertensives, oral diabetic medications, and more.  If you’re taking medication, you should discuss the possible side effects with your healthcare provider.


Wear Protective Clothing


woman wearing hat at the beach


In the hot summer heat, the last thing you want to wear are heavy layers of clothing.  That said, there are some key pieces of clothing that can protect your skin from the sun.  For instance, a hat is a great way to keep the sun out of your face, while sunglasses protect your eyes and the sensitive skin around them.  The type of fabric that you wear can also make a difference, as unbleached cotton is a natural UV absorbing material, while shiny polyesters help reflect radiation. 


Check Your Skin Regularly for Any Irregularities


woman looking at a mole in her back


Even if you are taking the proper precautions, you should always be monitoring your skin for any new developments.  You should be aware of any new spots, changes to existing spots, or anything else that catches your attention.  If you notice anything out of the ordinary, then you should discuss it with your healthcare provider.

At DFW Family Clinic, we encourage our patients to maintain their health by taking preventative measures.  Since the sun can have long-lasting effects on the skin, one of the ways to protect yourself is to make small changes in your routine, such as the ones introduced in this article.  If you notice any changes in your skin, please schedule an appointment so that we can examine the area.

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