Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights – Here’s How to Sleep with Bad Allergies

asian girl in pajamas sick due allergies

Do you wake up in the middle of the night sneezing or find it hard to fall asleep because of congestion and a stuffy, runny nose? If so, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with allergies that disrupt their sleep quality, leaving them feeling tired and lethargic during the day. But don’t worry, whether you suffer from seasonal allergies or year-round allergies, there are several things you can do to achieve a good night’s rest. Keep reading to learn helpful tips for improving your sleep quality and feeling recharged in the morning.


Can Allergies Affect Sleep?

asian girl in pajamas sick due allergies


Yes, people who suffer from allergies are twice as likely to develop a sleep disorder than those who do not. When the body comes into contact with an allergen, such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander, it triggers an immune response that can lead to nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, and coughing, all of which can be particularly bothersome at night and interfere with the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. These symptoms may be exacerbated at night by lower temperatures or the presence of allergens in your bedroom.


If sleep disturbances become constant, allergies can increase the risk of sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome. The inflammation caused by allergies can also lead to nasal congestion and obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing is interrupted during sleep, resulting in a lack of oxygen to the body.


Sleep problems can in turn affect other areas of your life, such as your performance at work or school or your personal relationships, because they can increase your irritability and make you too tired to fulfill your responsibilities.


Which Allergies Cause Sleep Disturbances?


It is essential to determine what type of allergies you suffer from to know what strategies you can implement to achieve quality sleep.


Some of the most common allergies that can cause sleep disturbances are hay fever, pet allergies, dust allergies, and allergic dermatitis. Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergies, is triggered by outdoor allergens such as pollen and dust mites. Symptoms include congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes. Similarly, pet and dust allergies, caused by pet dander or dust mites, can lead to coughing, sneezing, and itchy eyes, and even trigger asthma symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath.


Allergic dermatitis is another allergy that can result in sleep disruptions. This allergy can cause itching, irritation, burning, and dryness of the skin. It is especially problematic if the blankets or covers you use are made of allergenic materials. 


Common Sleep Issues From Allergies



It’s helpful for you to identify what impact allergies have on your sleep patterns, as sleep disturbances can vary depending on the type of allergy and severity of symptoms you experience. Common sleep problems as a result of allergies include:


  • Difficulty Falling Asleep: Symptoms such as nasal congestion, itchy eyes, and coughing can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.


  • Fragmented Sleep: Coughing and sneezing can wake you up several times during the night, causing you to miss a full night’s rest.


  • Snoring: When your airway is partially obstructed, your throat produces vibrations that result in what we know as snoring. Besides being irritating to other people, snoring can also be a sign of sleep-disordered breathing.


  • Restless Leg Syndrome: Allergic dermatitis can cause itching and discomfort in the legs, which can lead to restless leg syndrome.


  • Insomnia: Problems falling and staying asleep can develop into more serious sleep disturbances, such as insomnia for an extended period of time.


  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): OSA occurs when the airway becomes partially or completely blocked during sleep, causing pauses in breathing that can last from a few seconds to minutes. Symptoms include snoring, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue.


Tips to Sleep Better With Allergies

cleaning carpet



Sleeping with allergies is tricky, but there are certain changes you can make to reduce allergy symptoms and improve the quality of your sleep. Here are our top tips for getting an uninterrupted night’s sleep:


  • Use Allergy-Proof Bedding: There are fabrics specially designed to prevent allergic reactions. While these items may be a bit more expensive, it’s a good idea to invest in antiallergenic pillowcases, bed sheets, and comforters to reduce exposure to allergens.


  • Adjust the Temperature: Control the temperature and humidity levels in your bedroom to reduce the proliferation of allergens, such as mold and dust mites. Try to sleep in a cool, dry environment.


  • Use an Air Purifier: Air purifiers filter out allergens such as spores and pollen, improving the quality of the air in your room and preventing you from suffering allergy symptoms at night.


  • Use Saline Nasal Rinses: Rinsing your nasal passages with saline can help clear allergens and reduce congestion, making it easier to breathe and sleep.


  • Keep Your Bedroom Dust-Free: Dust your bedroom regularly. Clean shelves, furniture, carpets, and any surface where dust can accumulate.


  • Wash Your Bedding Frequently: Bedding is one of the places where allergens such as dust mites and pet dander accumulate the most. It is key to wash your bedding in hot water frequently to eliminate any allergen present in your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets.


  • Close Doors and Windows: It’s recommended to keep windows and doors closed to reduce exposure to allergens such as pollen and mold spores, especially if it’s springtime and you suffer from seasonal allergies.


  • Shower Before Bedtime: It is normal in your day-to-day life to accumulate allergens such as pollen or dust, which is why showering before bedtime can help eliminate them and prevent your sleep from being disturbed.


  • Take Anti-Allergy Medication: If your allergies are severe, you can make a doctor’s appointment to be prescribed anti-allergy medication before bedtime to relieve symptoms and improve your sleep quality.


If you feel allergies are affecting your sleep, don’t wait any longer to schedule your appointment! We will design a personalized treatment plan to control your allergy symptoms at night so you can enjoy a better night’s sleep. Your well-being and overall quality of life will improve significantly.

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