What Are the Benefits of Annual Physical Exams?

Nurse examining woman for her annual physical exam.

When a person feels sick, the best thing that they can do in order to recover is talk to their healthcare provider.  Unfortunately, for many people, this is the only time that they actually go to the doctor.  Having said that, it’s important to get in the routine of getting annual checkups, rather than only going to the doctor when your body is giving you symptoms.  This is because annual checkups are one of the most preventative measures that a person can take.  To better understand why, we have to acknowledge the benefits that it offers.


Benefits of Annual Physical Exams


Monitor Your Vital Stats

Vital stats include body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.  These tests are important because it helps your doctor determine your overall health status and identify if there are any early signs of illnesses.  By getting these tests done on a yearly basis, your doctor will be able to compare the results in order to identify if there were any drastic changes in your health.

Catch Health Problems Early

An early diagnosis usually allows you and your doctor to consider different treatment plans.  If the diagnosis is made when the illness is already in the late stages, the condition may be harder to treat or control.  This is also why your doctor will ask you about your family history, as some conditions (such as heart disease and cancer) can run in the family.  By knowing your family history, your doctor can pay special attention to any early signs of those conditions.

Improve Your Quality of Life

Many people don’t realize that their daily habits play a huge role in their health and quality of life.  Not only will your doctor help you monitor your health, but they can also give you valuable advice on how to live a healthier lifestyle.  If you have any questions about your exercise routine, weight, or lifestyle choices, your annual appointment is a great time to talk about it with your doctor.  

Establish a Relationship with Your Healthcare Provider

Taking care of your health isn’t only a once a year occasion; it’s something that you’ll have to deal with for the rest of your life.  By establishing a relationship with your healthcare provider, you can feel confident that you have someone who truly cares about your health.  Having a trusting relationship with your healthcare provider has also proven to improve patient outcomes.


What Annual Physicals Consist of

Now that we know why it’s important, you’re probably wondering what an annual physical consists of.  In order for your doctor to evaluate your overall health, they will:

  • Check your medical history
  • Ask about your lifestyle choices
  • Check your vital signs
  • Inspect your general appearance
  • Check your heart
  • Check your breathing
  • Laboratory Work, when necessary


At DFW Family Clinic, we truly believe that early detection saves lives, which is why we take a preventative approach to healthcare.  By getting an annual physical exam, we can identify potential risks while also providing valuable advice on how to live a healthier lifestyle.  To book an appointment, give us a call or make an appointment online.

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