How to Fast Safely With Diabetes

At DFW Family Clinic, we help our patients manage their diabetes by administering lab work every 3 months, making changes to their treatment plan when necessary, and even assisting in their medication management.  Besides that, we also know how important it is to help our patients manage their diabetes in their everyday lives, which includes guiding them in their personal lifestyle choices.  With fasting becoming an increasingly popular diet trend, it leaves many with the question, should diabetics fast?


Can You Fast If You’re Diabetic?

There are many reasons why people choose to fast; some want to cleanse their bodies, others have religious obligations, and the rest are just interested in changing their eating habits.  The reason that it’s become so popular is because it has many benefits, such as decreasing levels of inflammation, promoting blood sugar control, supporting a better metabolism and weight loss, and more.

If you’re curious about fasting, then it’s important that you do it in a healthy way, especially if you have diabetes.  So yes, many people with diabetes can fast, but it depends on how well-managed your condition is.  For instance, if your health is not in a good state and you’re having trouble balancing your blood sugar levels, then it may not be a good time to introduce an extreme diet like fasting.

The biggest risk that we want to prevent is problems with blood sugar levels, such as hypoglycemia.  This is when blood sugar levels drop too low, potentially causing you to become shaky or even pass out.  This becomes even more of a risk if you take insulin since the medication will drop your blood sugar even lower.  On the other hand, you also risk hyperglycemia, which is when your blood sugar levels become too high.  This can happen after your fasting period and usually occurs if you eat too many carbohydrates.

These risks aren’t mentioned to discourage you from fasting, but rather to let you know of the possible complications.  What’s important is that you speak to your doctor about your fasting so that they can help you regulate it and give you specific tips for your individual situation.  That said, here are some guidelines for you to follow in order to fast safely.

How to Intermittent Fast with Diabetes



Here are some general tips that you should follow while fasting as a diabetic:

  • Talk with your doctor: As mentioned, it’s important that your doctor is aware of any lifestyle or diet changes, as it can affect your treatment plan.  Your doctor will help you determine the best fasting schedule, while also paying special attention to any necessary medication changes, glucose monitoring, and fluid intake.

  • Hydrate: Hydration not only comes from your water intake, but also from the food that you eat.  This means that when you fast, you lose a portion of your regular fluid intake.  That’s why you should be cautious of how much water you’re drinking.

  • Maintain a balanced diet: Fasting is all about your eating pattern, but there are not as many guidelines to what food you should actually be eating.  As a result, many people think they can eat whatever they want at the specified times and still obtain great results.  Although you deserve to treat yourself every once in a while, you should always maintain a healthy diet.  This means eating lots of fruits and vegetables, getting your recommended protein intake, eating sufficient vitamins and minerals, and not overindulging.

  • Listen to your body: When you first start fasting, it may take your body a while to get used to the new routine.  That said, if your body is reacting badly to the diet or you can feel that your health is declining, you should break the fast immediately and call your doctor.


Intermittent fasting is a great option as long as it’s done properly.  At DFW Family Clinic, we’re here to guide you in your lifestyle choices so that you can better manage your diabetes and live a happy and healthy life.  For those of you who are participating in Ramadan this month, as well as others who are interested in incorporating fasting into their everyday routine, please give us a call so that we can talk more in-depth about managing your diabetes while fasting.

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