The Ultimate Guide: 12 Summer Skin Care Tips

Woman applying sun screen

Summer is the perfect time to soak up the outdoors, go on picnics, take a dip in the water, and enjoy vibrant festivals while savoring the beautiful weather. However, it’s essential to take care of your skin during this season. The intense heat can wreak havoc on your skin if you don’t give it the attention it deserves. But no need to worry, we’ve got you covered with some fantastic summer skincare tips that will allow you to enjoy the sunny days while keeping your skin protected.

Ries for sun protection on the beach

1. Adapt Your Skin Care Routine to Summer


Your skin’s needs vary depending on the environmental conditions you are in. This is why your skincare routine should change when summer arrives. Chances are, the skin care products that work for you during the winter won’t be the best during the summer. Pay attention to the signals your skin is sending you: Do you have more breakouts? Does your skin feel oilier? Is your skin more irritated? Try lightweight skin products to prevent your skin barrier from clogging.

2. Sunscreen Is Your Skin’s Best Friend

Woman applying sun screen

Don’t underestimate the power of sunscreen in your summer skincare routine. It should be your ultimate companion. Opt for a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30+ and apply it generously approximately 20-30 minutes before heading outdoors. Remember to reapply every two hours, especially if you are swimming or sweating. And don’t forget to extend the sunscreen love to often-neglected areas like your ears, neck, shoulders, chest, legs, hands, and feet (in case you’re sporting sandals).


3. Don’t Leave Out Your Moisturizer


One of the most overlooked skin care tips is to keep using moisturizer during the warmer months. During the summer, it’s common to experience an increase in oiliness on your skin. The combination of heat and humidity prompts your skin to produce more sebum, a natural oil that prevents moisture loss. 


However, this doesn’t imply that you should skip moisturizing altogether. On the contrary, it’s essential to provide your skin with hydration by opting for gentle lightweight moisturizers enriched with hyaluronic acid. Steer clear of moisturizers containing silicones or petroleum-based ingredients as they can feel heavy on your skin during this season.


4. Add a Mask to Your Weekly Summer Skin Care Routine!

Bathrobe looking in the mirror

Face masks are a great way to clean, hydrate, soothe, and maintain a bright glow. Consider trying cooling masks infused with refreshing ingredients like cucumber and aloe vera, or opt for purifying masks containing clay or seaweed. During the summer season, it is recommended to use a facial mask once a week to refresh your skin.


5. Reduce Sun Exposure


Minimize your sun exposure by planning your outdoor activities for early mornings or late afternoons. The period between 10 am and 4 pm is when UV rays are at their strongest. If you find yourself outside during these hours, make sure you protect yourself by wearing a hat and clothing with a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) of 50+.


6. Go for Lighter Makeup


Give your skin a breath of fresh air during the summer by opting for lightweight products. If you choose to wear makeup, go for lightweight foundations that allow your skin to breathe while giving you a subtle, natural look. Remember, during the summer season, it’s all about less-is-more when it comes to makeup. Heavy products can lead to skin irritation and pore congestion. 


7. Wash Your Face


One of the most valuable summer skin care tips is to cleanse your skin twice a day, or even three times a day if you sweat a lot due to the heat or physical activity such as jogging. Keeping your skin free of impurities is crucial. Opt for a mild foaming cleanser and wash your face with cool water. Avoid oil-based cleansers and remember to apply moisturizer after washing your face. Also, don’t forget sunscreen if you’re heading out in the sun.


8. Include Antioxidants in Your Summer Routine

Ling young woman applying face serum

Topical antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E, are a game-changer for your skin. These powerful compounds stimulate blood flow, encourage skin cell regeneration, and reduce inflammation. They have the ability to reduce redness, acne, and rosacea, and even shield your skin from UV-related DNA damage.


9. Refresh Your Skin Throughout the Day


One of the well-kept secrets among skincare professionals involves having a handy spray infused with cooling ingredients to rejuvenate your skin throughout the summer day. Whether it’s the delicate fragrance of rose water, the invigorating properties of green tea extract, the soothing essence of lavender, or the revitalizing touch of orange blossom, these ingredients work wonders in preventing your skin from succumbing to the fatigue induced by soaring temperatures.


10. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


It’s no surprise that hydration is a key factor in skincare. Make sure to hydrate yourself by drinking at least two and a half liters of water throughout the day. This simple tip aids in flushing out toxins from your skin, contributing to your overall well-being and promoting good health.


11. Follow a Diet Based on Fresh and Nutritious Food

Diet Based on Fresh and Nutritious Food

Comprehensive skin care involves more than just external care; it also requires a mindful approach to nutrition. Including foods abundant in antioxidants and vitamins, like Brazil nuts, tomatoes, carrots, coconut, green tea, zucchini, bell peppers, and strawberries, offers protection against sun damage, improves skin elasticity, maintains hydration, and contributes to a youthful and radiant complexion.


12. Check Your Moles


Taking the time to see your doctor on a regular basis and having your moles, freckles, and skin marks checked is highly recommended to ensure they’re harmless. Excessive sun exposure can increase the risk of developing skin cancer, making preventive checkups a valuable step. These visits not only provide peace of mind but also provides you with helpful information to care for your skin based on its specific needs.

Caring for your skin is a year-round commitment, but it becomes especially important in the summer when you need to shield it from the sun’s rays and humidity. This is not just about enhancing your appearance, but also safeguarding your overall health. At DFW Family Clinic, we offer comprehensive care for your well-being. Book an appointment with us today to receive personalized advice and information on summer skin care. Let us help you keep your skin healthy and protected throughout the season.

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