Well Child Checks During the First Year

A child’s early years are crucial for their development and lifelong health.  That’s why, as a parent, you should do everything you can to make sure you have a happy and healthy baby.  One of the ways to do this is with well-child visits, which should be performed at specific times throughout their life. For those of you that are new parents, you may not be sure how many well child checks are needed in the first year.  That’s why we’re going to identify the recommended timeline and what you should expect at each visit.


Well Child Checks Schedule

First Week

When your baby is 3 to 5 days old, you’ll need to take a trip to the doctor for their first official well child check.  At this appointment, they’ll receive the Hepatitis B vaccine if they did not receive it at the hospital.  They will also get a hearing and blood screening and a physical exam.

1 month

At this appointment or the next, your baby will get the second Hepatitis B vaccine.  Aside from performing a physical exam, this appointment is important because it’s your opportunity to discuss important topics with your doctor, such as: your baby’s eating routine, if you have any worries or concerns, and even how you’re feeling after the first month.

2 months

The two-month appointment is when many babies get the rest of their immunizations, which normally include:

  • Rotavirus vaccine
  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
  • Inactivated polio vaccine
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine
  • Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine
  • Hepatitis B vaccine, if it wasn’t given at the last appointment

If you have any questions about any of the recommended vaccines, please ask your doctor before or during the appointment.

4 months

At this appointment, your child will receive the second dose of their vaccines.  Your doctor may also recommend that your child gets screened to help detect anemia.  As with every appointment, your child’s health and development will be checked.


6 months

The 6-month appointment is when your child will get the third dose of all of their vaccines.  It is also recommended that children 6 months and older get the flu shot, when available.  Since this is also the age that most children start growing in their first teeth, this is a good time to ask your doctor any questions that you may have about it.

9 months

Although your doctor will be checking your child’s development at every appointment, there will be a more complex screening at the 9-month mark.  They will ask you a series of questions about your child’s growth and development and may also ask you to play with your child so that they can observe.  If your doctor thinks that your child is developing at a slower rate than normal, they may do further testing.

12 months

This is the last well-child visit that you have for their first year!  At this appointment, your baby may receive vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella, Hepatitis A, and Varicella (chickenpox). If your child is at risk of anemia, your doctor may also recommend testing their blood lead level, hearing, vision, and blood pressure.


As a new parent, it may be stressful thinking about how to do a well child check, what the regular well child check schedule looks like, and what to expect.  Since the early stages of your child’s life are so important, you can count on us at DFW Family Clinic to check the development of your child and answer any of your questions or doubts.

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