What Is Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for good health. However, the first thing you should know is that there is no universal number you should look for on the scale, nor is there a definitive diet that works for everyone. 


We all know how difficult it is to maintain a healthy diet and engage in physical activity in today’s hectic world. On top of this, there are countless myths on the internet about weight that make it difficult to know which is the right way to go. That said, there are health professionals who can help you understand what your specific needs are to achieve and maintain an ideal weight.


Weight does not always have to be a concern. It is normal to gain or lose a little weight throughout different stages of your life; besides, there are certain changes in your routine that can alter your weight temporarily: moving to a new state, changing jobs, starting school, etc.


However, if you are concerned because you think you are at an unhealthy weight or that you are changing weight rapidly, there are some methods that, although not infallible, are commonly used to determine if a person is experiencing problems with their weight.

Assessing Your Weight


BMI, or body mass index, measures weight in relation to height. This tool is used to determine total body fat. The standard measurements are:


Underweight 18.5 or less
Healthy weight 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25 – 29.9
Obesity 30 – 39.9
Extreme obesity 40 or greater


Note that this screening does not take into account muscle mass, bone density, body fat distribution, or differential racial factors, so it should not be the only method to determine if you have weight problems.

Waist-To-Height Ratio

Waist-to-height ratio is a widely used measurement to determine abdominal fat levels. It has been proven that abdominal fat can affect the kidney, liver, and heart.


To measure this, divide your waist measurement by your height (remember to use the same units of measurement). The general healthy measurement is for the waist circumference to be less than half the height. The guidelines state the following:


Abnormally thin Less than 0.35
Extremely thin 0.35 and 0.43 in men and between 0.35 and 0.42 in women
Healthy 0.4 – 0.49
Risk of health problems 0.5 – 0.59
Highest risk of health problems 0.6 or higher

Problems Associated with Being Overweight and Underweight


Maintaining an ideal weight will not only improve your quality of life but will also be decisive in avoiding diseases and health problems. Obesity is related to diabetes, sleep apnea, muscle and joint pain, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and even some types of cancer.


Being underweight, on the other hand, increases the risks of osteoporosis, a weak immune system, a permanent feeling of tiredness, anemia, and weakened skin, teeth, and hair. Being extremely thin can lead to hypothermia, heart problems, decreased muscle strength, and neurological problems.

Causes of Weight Problems

The causes of being overweight or underweight are not always so obvious, so it is important to have medical support in your weight management and maintenance journey. Usually, the first hypothesis for having weight problems is having bad habits, such as eating too many or too few calories. But there are many other possible causes such as:


  • Thyroid problems
  • Underlying medical condition
  • Genetics
  • Abnormal insulin levels
  • Medications
  • Mental health problems



Treatments to achieve and maintain a healthy weight must be specific to each patient. It is necessary to analyze the causes of the weight problem in order to design a safe and effective plan. Treatment for weight control will generally include a realistic diet that is adapted to the patient’s needs, an exercise plan, medical exams to rule out causes other than eating habits and sedentary lifestyles, and therapy in the case of mental health problems, among others.


As we have just seen, weight management is a process that includes many variables and requires an in-depth study of each case. We recommend not following a diet without knowing exactly what the cause of your weight problem is, as this could do more harm than good. The best option is always to be accompanied by specialized medical professionals to help you through the process.


Fortunately, at DFW Family Clinic, we have doctors with extensive experience in weight management. You will begin to notice the countless health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight by starting a weight management program accompanied by health professionals. Here, you will find a comprehensive treatment not only to reach a healthy weight but to maintain it for the rest of your life. Schedule your appointment to get you on your way to a healthier life.

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